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What we do

Save lives

…and use technology for the benefit of society.

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We aren’t all about business growth and time = money. We care about our society too.

We care about meaningful change within our business, whether that’s within industry or with a social impact of some kind.

We know the benefits of software, mobile applications, and AI. And we know these can (and should) be taken advantage of by charities and social enterprises too.

Are you looking to provide tools or resources to a particular audience? To use software to run your organisation more effectively? Or perhaps to create an app to support your fundraising efforts?

We can help you with that.

Take a look at one of our favourite app and custom software projects by way of example.

Helping people stay alive

When we first met the Grassroots Suicide Prevention team, they provided face-to-face training in Brighton. But they knew more people needed this information to help save lives across the UK.

Since then, we’ve worked with Alex and his team on an app and website to reach this wide audience. Giving this community-based charity the ability to make a significant impact nationwide.

Working closely with the team and their user base, we’ve created Stay Alive. An iOS, Android and web-based app full of useful information and tools to help users stay safe in crisis. 76% of at-risk users said the StayAlive app helped them stay safe from suicide (Grassroots' Quarterly Report, March 2021).

Resources, customisable features, help and support, all at the touch of a button.

Interested in finding out more about how we've helped save lives?

Check out our case study.